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All courses include free electronic/printed material as well as daily tutor's support. Students set up their own pace in completing a course. The free for each course is just £80.
We also provide face2face training in Autism and sexuality, sensory profiles, sensory integration, assistive communication, art therapy, positive behaviour support, anxiety reduction, confidence boosting and relaxation techniques. The fee for one day, 7 hour training, is £395.
Call one of the tutors for more information on : 078 241 72383 or email :

Mental Health Awarness/Podstawy Problemow Psychicznych

A guide to mental illnesses and disorders with emphasis on mental wellness
Sexuality and Autism/Seksualnosc w Autyzmie

Sexuality education for people affected by autism, awareness of sexual issues for professionals, gender dysphoria
Confidence Booster/Jestem pewny/pewna siebie

Regain the best foot forwards state of mind with this full of fresh ideas approach
Anxiety Free/Pozbedz sie nerwicy

Simple and effective techniques to keep your anxious feelings away
Sensory Assessment in Autism/Analiza wrazliwosci w autyzmie

A comprehensive tool in assessing hyper and hypo sensitivities in mainstream and disability settings
Sensory Profiles/Profile wrazliwosci

Effective and comprehensive sensory portrait for all of us, especially useful in Autism
Sensory Activities/Zajecia integracyjne

A variety of sensory activities for all ages and abilities, including art, music and drama
Assisted Communication in Disabilities/Sposoby porozumiewania sie z osobami niepelnosprawnymi
The one and only system that will include speech, Makaton, PECS and computer aids
